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Get a comprehensive cannabis education with delta 9.

If you’ve ever wondered what all the different strain types mean, how vaping works or how to choose the right cannabinoid ratio for your needs, you are in the right place. Cannabis has evolved from a simple plant that gets folks high, to a science based approach that is used for wellness by all walks of life. Delta 9 is proud to bring cannabis education to the minds of our family. Once you get educated, shop our online menu to find a product that is right for your wellness needs.

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Open your mind to cannabis education.

It is estimated that there are over 113 cannabinoids in existence. THC, CBD, CBN, THC-V and many more cannabinoids work together to create effects by interacting with our body chemistry. Did you know our bodies have cannabinoid receptors built to interact with cannabis? Getting a solid cannabis education under your feet helps you to understand the right cannabis product for your needs. Hit us up if you need to have a personal conversation about your cannabis needs.


Delta 9 Deals

Save 20% On Your First Purchase

At Delta 9, our customers are our top priority. We guarantee a fun, relaxing, and positive experience for every person who walks into our cannabis dispensary. To put our money where our mouth is, we are offering a 15% discount off of every customer's first purchase.